International Upcycling Symposium 2020: Research and Practice

De Montfort University (online), UK 2020

“Recontextualizaing  and Appropriating Western Secondhand  Fashion Items in Nonwestern Contexts”
Collaborative paper presentation with Dr Anika Kozlowski

Stationary/Stationery Fashion: A Paper Clothes Making Workshop

Mpavilion, Melbourne, Australia, 2021

A public workshop exploring ad-hoc garment alteration using paper and other stationery items

Critical Fashion Studies Conference

Melbourne, Australia 2020

“Paper Clothing in Japan: An Interim Report” Research report

Everything and Everybody as Material: Beyond Fashion Design Methods Conference

Boras, Sweden 2017

“Interspecies Collaborative Design” Film + Paper Presentation

19th Annual IFFTI Conference

Amsterdam, Holland 2017

“Hack the Black Box: Consumer Agency in the Sharing Economy” Paper Presentation and Award

17th Annual IFFTI Conference

Florence, Italy 2015

“From Wajiro Kon to FRUiTS Magazine: Tokyo Street Fashion Culture’s Imprint on Collective Memory” Paper Presentation and Award